Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My first post

So I have this blog, and I thought I ought to post on it. It won't be a long post, since I'm at work, and well, I should be working and all, but this gets the ball rolling.

At the moment, I'm waiting for my phone to work. Never mind that I've been in my job for 4 weeks, and we've told the city systems manager (not the IT person: different individual) twice now; my phone's still dead. Specifically, you can't call in from the outside: it will tell you I'm not available. What we've found out so far is that the phone box (the infamous box, in a wall or closet somewhere), does not recognise or point to my line. Swell. So now we are calling the phone company. Ahhhh; isn't technology fun.

Enough rant. Enjoy the rest of the day; I will, regardless of this little SNAFU. I choose not to let it piss me off.

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