Tuesday, September 9, 2008

gas prices rose again????

Gas went up today.

30 cents a gallon.

This is nuts. Oil went up a few cents per barrel, and there is a hurricane in the gulf, but neither of those are sufficient justification for a 30 cent per gallon price hike. This is highway robbery, and someone needs to be sued or strung up or something!

30 cents per gallon works out to a minimum of an additional $450 million per week. Probably closer to $1 billion when all is said and done. And what have the oil industries done this week to justify an additional billion in gross profits?

Here in Indianapolis prices keep coming tantalizingly close to $3.50 per gallon, and then quickly spiking up. I sometimes wonder if 3.50 is a psychological price point for oil companies, as if god forbid gas prices should drop below that point. I have no proof of course, but I have watched this happen 4 times in a row these last few weeks.

We are waiting for an answer.
(and of course prices won't drop 30 cents per gallon. No, that would be too obvious)

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