Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin notes

the list of Gov. Palin's controversies are lengthy:

-- She has been out of country but once, and considers the Iraq war an 'task from God'
-- She originially supported the 'Bridge to nowhere', then opposed it only after Congress basically killed it, but kept the money.
-- The 'reformer' obtained (through the help of a private lobbyist) $27 million in earmarks for the City of Wasilla
-- She denies the man-made contribution to global warming
-- She calls building a natural gas pipeline 'God's will'
-- Her statewide campaigns were partially funded by oil companies
-- She supports teaching creationism in the public schools
-- She cut support for teenage mothers and supports abstinence-only policies
-- She allegedly fired a state official in the Alaska public safety department for not firing a trooper who was in a divorce battle with her sister
-- She expressed support for the Alaska Independence Party (a seccessionist party), but she was VERY careful not to express outright support for seccession: "I share your party’s vision of upholding the constitution of our great state"
-- she left the town of Wasilla $20 million in debt when she left office in 2002.

Here is a link to these stories:

--It's not about her being a woman, a parent of a newborn, or even her lack of experience. The experience she has is what is especially troubling. This is the person who, if McCain wins, will be half a heartbeat from the presidency. Is it any wonder McCain is keeping her away from reporters?


Bridgett said...

Ok, and this I only heard from Mike, but wasn't one of her lobbyists on the abramoff team?

Elliot said...

Yes. the site I referenced also talks about that (and many other things). I wanted to keep my list to things she has done that are 'Huh?' moments. I didn't inlcude the Abramoff piece because that is less stupid decision-making as it is bad association. A lot of people assoicated with Abramoff; not so many spoke to a seccessionist organization as a sitting governor.